
Below is a gallery of examples, demonstrating various ways of using synthesizer.

Cosmological simulation examples

Line of sight example

Line of sight example

Aperture Mask Example

Aperture Mask Example

Parametric Young Stars Example

Parametric Young Stars Example

SC-SAM example

SC-SAM example

General examples

IGM transmission example

IGM transmission example

Dust curves example

Dust curves example

Filters example

Filters example

Plot quiescent UVJ diagram

Plot quiescent UVJ diagram

Photometry example

Photometry example

Grid examples

Plot ionising luminosity

Plot ionising luminosity

Plot the line continuum for a given grid point

Plot the line continuum for a given grid point

Plot spectra example

Plot spectra example

Get lines example

Get lines example

Plot spectra by age

Plot spectra by age

Imaging examples

Image addition example

Image addition example

Parametric galaxy examples

Plot delta_lambda for a grid.

Plot delta_lambda for a grid.

Create image example

Create image example

Generate parametric observed SED

Generate parametric observed SED

Generate parametric galaxy SED

Generate parametric galaxy SED

An example showing how to scale a galaxy’s mass by luminosity/flux.

An example showing how to scale a galaxy's mass by luminosity/flux.

Plot equivalent width for UV indices

Plot equivalent width for UV indices

Particle galaxy examples

Create sampled SED

Create sampled SED

Compare parametric and particle SEDs

Compare parametric and particle SEDs

Compare SPS grid assignment methods

Compare SPS grid assignment methods

Compare Single star particle to instantaneous SFZH

Compare Single star particle to instantaneous SFZH

Plot line of sight diagnostics

Plot line of sight diagnostics

Plot line of sight diagnostics

Plot line of sight diagnostics

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery