A submodule containing the definitions of common stellar emission models.
This module contains the definitions of commoon stellar emission models that can be used “out of the box” to generate spectra from components or as a foundation to work from when creating more complex models.
Example usage:
# Create a simple emission model
model = TotalEmission(
# Generate the spectra
spectra = stars.get_spectra(model)
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.EmergentEmission(grid, dust_curve=None, apply_dust_to=None, tau_v=None, fesc=0.0, label='emergent', attenuated=None, escaped=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that defines the emergent emission.
This defines combination of the attenuated and escaped emission components to produce the emergent emission.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- dust_curve¶
The dust curve to use.
- Type:
- apply_dust_to¶
The emission model to apply the dust to.
- Type:
- tau_v¶
The optical depth of the dust.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.EscapedEmission(grid, label='escaped', fesc=0.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that extracts the escaped radiation field.
This defines an extraction of key “escaped” from a SPS grid.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
Note: The escaped model is the “mirror” to the transmitted model. What is transmitted is not escaped and vice versa. Therefore EscapedEmission.fesc = 1 - TransmittedEmission.fesc. This will be checked to be true at the time of spectra generation.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- extract¶
The key to extract from the grid.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission. Note that this will be set to 1 - fesc during generation, i.e. it is the fraction that does not escape that should be passed.
- Type:
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.IncidentEmission(grid, label='incident', **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that extracts the incident radiation field.
This defines an extraction of key “incident” from a SPS grid.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- extract¶
The key to extract from the grid.
- Type:
Examples using synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.IncidentEmission
Parametric Young Stars Example
Demonstrate the dense basis approach for describing the SFZH
Generating Lines from a Parametric Galaxy
Generate parametric galaxy SED
Plot equivalent width for UV indices
Compare parametric and particle SEDs
Compare SPS grid assignment methods
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.IntrinsicEmission(grid, fesc, label='intrinsic', fesc_ly_alpha=1.0, escaped=None, reprocessed=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that defines the intrinsic emission.
This defines a combination of the reprocessed and escaped emission.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- combine¶
The emission models to combine.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.NebularContinuumEmission(grid, label='nebular_continuum', fesc=0.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that extracts the nebular continuum emission.
This defines an extraction of key “nebular_continuum” from a SPS grid.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- extract¶
The key to extract from the grid.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.NebularEmission(grid, label='nebular', fesc=0.0, fesc_ly_alpha=1.0, nebular_line=None, nebular_continuum=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that combines the nebular emissions.
This defines a combination of the nebular continuum and line emission components.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- combine¶
The emission models to combine.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
Examples using synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.NebularEmission
Plot velocity broadened spectra
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.NebularLineEmission(grid, label='nebular_line', fesc=0.0, fesc_ly_alpha=1.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model for the nebular line emission.
This defines the luminosity contribution of the lines to the total nebular output.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class; for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- extract¶
The key to extract from the grid.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.ReprocessedEmission(grid, label='reprocessed', fesc=0.0, fesc_ly_alpha=1.0, nebular=None, transmitted=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that combines the reprocessed emission.
This defines a combination of the nebular and transmitted components.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- combine¶
The emission models to combine.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
Examples using synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.ReprocessedEmission
Generate parametric galaxy SED
Plot equivalent width for UV indices
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.TotalEmission(grid, dust_curve, tau_v, dust_emission_model=None, label='total', fesc=0.0, fesc_ly_alpha=1.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that defines the total emission.
This defines the combination of the emergent and dust emission components to produce the total emission.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- dust_curve¶
The dust curve to use.
- Type:
- tau_v¶
The optical depth of the dust.
- Type:
- dust_emission_model¶
The dust emission model to use.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
Examples using synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.TotalEmission
Plot line of sight diagnostics
- class synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.TransmittedEmission(grid, label='transmitted', fesc=0.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
An emission model that extracts the transmitted radiation field.
This defines an extraction of key “transmitted” from a SPS grid.
This is a child of the EmissionModel class for a full description of the parameters see the EmissionModel class.
- grid¶
The grid object to extract from.
- Type:
- label¶
The label for this emission model.
- Type:
- extract¶
The key to extract from the grid.
- Type:
- fesc¶
The escape fraction of the emission.
- Type:
Examples using synthesizer.emission_models.stellar.models.TransmittedEmission
Compare Single star particle to instantaneous SFZH