Create sampled SED

this example generates a sample of star particles from a 2D SFZH. In this case it is generated from a parametric star formation history with constant star formation.

plot create sampled sed
|                                                 STARS                                                 |
| Attribute                | Value                                                                      |
| component_type           | 'Stars'                                                                    |
| sf_hist_func             | <synthesizer.parametric.sf_hist.Constant object at 0x7f1af2008b50>         |
| metal_dist_func          | <synthesizer.parametric.metal_dist.DeltaConstant object at 0x7f1af200a5c0> |
| metallicity_grid_type    | 'log10Z'                                                                   |
| log10ages_lims           | [6.0, 10.399999999999984]                                                  |
| metallicities_lims       | [1e-05, 0.025118864315095104]                                              |
| log10metallicities_lims  | [-5.0, -1.600000000000012]                                                 |
| ages (45,)               | 1.00e+06 yr -> 2.51e+10 yr (Mean: 2.71e+09 yr)                             |
| metallicities (35,)      | 1.00e-05 -> 2.51e-02 (Mean: 3.49e-03)                                      |
| sf_hist (45,)            | 0.00e+00 -> 1.85e+08 (Mean: 2.22e+07)                                      |
| metal_dist (35,)         | 0.00e+00 -> 1.00e+09 (Mean: 2.86e+07)                                      |
| initial_mass             | 999999999.9999999 Msun                                                     |
| sfzh (45, 35)            | 0.00e+00 -> 1.85e+08 (Mean: 6.35e+05)                                      |
| log10ages (45,)          | 6.00e+00 -> 1.04e+01 (Mean: 8.20e+00)                                      |
| log10metallicities (35,) | -5.00e+00 -> -1.60e+00 (Mean: -3.30e+00)                                   |

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from unyt import Msun, Myr

from synthesizer.emission_models import IncidentEmission
from synthesizer.grid import Grid
from synthesizer.parametric import SFH, ZDist
from synthesizer.parametric import Stars as ParametricStars
from synthesizer.particle.galaxy import Galaxy
from synthesizer.particle.stars import sample_sfzh

# Define the grid
grid_name = "test_grid"
grid_dir = "../../tests/test_grid/"
grid = Grid(grid_name, grid_dir=grid_dir)

# Define the emission model
model = IncidentEmission(grid)

# define the grid (normally this would be defined by an SPS grid)
log10ages = np.arange(6.0, 10.5, 0.1)
metallicities = 10 ** np.arange(-5.0, -1.5, 0.1)

# define the parameters of the star formation and metal enrichment histories

Z_p = {"metallicity": 0.01}
metal_dist = ZDist.DeltaConstant(**Z_p)

sfh_p = {"duration": 100 * Myr}
sfh = SFH.Constant(**sfh_p)  # constant star formation
sfzh = ParametricStars(
    initial_mass=10**9 * Msun,
# sfzh.plot()

# --- create stars object

N = 100  # number of particles for sampling
stars = sample_sfzh(sfzh.sfzh, sfzh.log10ages, sfzh.log10metallicities, N)

# --- create galaxy object

galaxy = Galaxy(stars=stars)

""" this generates stellar and intrinsic spectra
galaxy.generate_intrinsic_spectra(grid, fesc=0.0)
calculate only integrated SEDs """

for sed_type, sed in galaxy.stars.spectra.items():
    plt.plot(np.log10(sed.lam), np.log10(sed.lnu), label=sed_type)

plt.xlim([2, 5])
plt.ylim([10, 24])

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.431 seconds)

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