Dust Attenuation Curves

We implement a whole suite of different attenuation curves in synthesizer, including the following:

These attenuation curves can be instantiated directly, or attached to an EmissionModel to be used in the generation of complex spectra from a galaxy or galaxy component.

Each model has unique arguments required at instantiation, but all have the same base methods, such as get_transmission (which requires an optical depth (tau_v) and a wavelength array). Below, we show how to instantiate each of these models and plot their transmission and attenuation curves.

We first define a wavelength array up front:

import numpy as np
from unyt import Angstrom

lams = np.logspace(2, 4, 1000) * Angstrom


A PowerLaw only requires a slope to be defined. We can then use the in-built methods, e.g. get_transmission, to return the transmission over our wavelength array values.

from synthesizer.emission_models.attenuation import PowerLaw

power_law = PowerLaw(-1.0)

pl_trans = power_law.get_transmission(0.33, lams)

Below we plot the transmission and attenuation curves.

power_law.plot_transmission(0.33, lams, show=True)
power_law.plot_attenuation(lams, show=True)
(<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: xlabel='$\\lambda/(\\AA)$', ylabel='A$_{\\lambda}/$A$_{V}$'>)


The Calzetti2000 model requires a slope (slope), central wavelength of the UV bump (cent_lam), amplitude of the UV bump (ampl), and the FWHM of the UV bump (gamma). These default to 0.0, 0.2175 microns, 0, and 0.035, respectively. We plot the transmission curve both with the defaults and a non-zero bump amplitude.

from synthesizer.emission_models.attenuation import Calzetti2000

no_bump = Calzetti2000()
with_bump = Calzetti2000(ampl=10.0)

fig, ax = no_bump.plot_attenuation(lams, show=False, label="No UV bump")
_, _ = with_bump.plot_attenuation(
    lams, fig=fig, ax=ax, show=True, label="With UV bump"


The MWN18 model loads a data file included with synthesizer; as such, it requires no arguments.

from synthesizer.emission_models.attenuation import MWN18

mwn18 = MWN18()

_, _ = mwn18.plot_attenuation(lams, show=True)


GrainsWD01 requires the model to be defined (either 'MW', 'LMC', or 'SMC'), and uses the dust_extinction module to load the appropriate model.

from synthesizer.emission_models.attenuation import GrainsWD01

mw = GrainsWD01("MW")
smc = GrainsWD01("SMC")
lmc = GrainsWD01("LMC")

fig, ax = mw.plot_attenuation(lams, show=False, label="MW")
_, _ = smc.plot_attenuation(lams, fig=fig, ax=ax, show=False, label="SMC")
_, _ = lmc.plot_attenuation(lams, fig=fig, ax=ax, show=True, label="LMC")


The ParametricLi08 model requires the UV slope (UV_slope, default 1.0), the optical to Near Infrared slope (OPT_NIR_slope, default 1.0), the Far UV slope (FUV_slope, default 1.0), and a dimensionless parameter between 0 and 1 controlling the strength of the UV bump (bump, default 0.0). Alternatively, a model string can be passed to adopt a preset model (possible values: "MW", "LMC", "SMC", or Calzetti).

from synthesizer.emission_models.attenuation import ParametricLi08

mw_li08 = ParametricLi08(model="MW")
lmc_li08 = ParametricLi08(model="LMC")
smc_li08 = ParametricLi08(model="SMC")
calz_li08 = ParametricLi08(model="Calzetti")

fig, ax = mw_li08.plot_attenuation(lams, show=False, label="MW")
_, _ = lmc_li08.plot_attenuation(lams, fig=fig, ax=ax, show=False, label="LMC")
_, _ = smc_li08.plot_attenuation(lams, fig=fig, ax=ax, show=False, label="SMC")
_, _ = calz_li08.plot_attenuation(
    lams, fig=fig, ax=ax, show=True, label="Calzetti"
An example showing all curves compared is provided here: :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_attenuation_plot_dustcurves.py`