Plot line of sight diagnostics

This example shows how to compute line of sight dust surface densities, and plots some diagnostics.

plot los spectra
/home/runner/work/synthesizer/synthesizer/src/synthesizer/particle/ RuntimeWarning: Star forming gas particle mask not provided, setting sf_gas_mass and sf_gas_metallicity to `None`
/home/runner/work/synthesizer/synthesizer/src/synthesizer/particle/ RuntimeWarning: Star forming gas particle mask not provided, setting sf_gas_mass and sf_gas_metallicity to `None`

(<Figure size 350x500 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: xlabel='$\\lambda/[\\mathrm{\\AA}]$', ylabel='$L_{\\nu}/[\\mathrm{\\rm{erg} \\ / \\ \\rm{Hz \\cdot \\rm{s}}}]$'>)

import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from synthesizer.grid import Grid
from synthesizer.kernel_functions import Kernel
from synthesizer.parametric import SFH, ZDist
from synthesizer.parametric import Stars as ParametricStars
from synthesizer.particle.galaxy import Galaxy
from synthesizer.particle.gas import Gas
from synthesizer.particle.particles import CoordinateGenerator
from synthesizer.particle.stars import sample_sfhz
from unyt import Myr

plt.rcParams[""] = "DeJavu Serif"
plt.rcParams["font.serif"] = ["Times New Roman"]

# Set the seed

start = time.time()

# Get the location of this script, __file__ is the absolute path of this
# script, however we just want to directory
# script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Define the grid
grid_name = "test_grid"
grid_dir = "../../tests/test_grid/"
grid = Grid(grid_name, grid_dir=grid_dir)

# Define the grid (normally this would be defined by an SPS grid)
log10ages = np.arange(6.0, 10.5, 0.1)
metallicities = 10 ** np.arange(-5.0, -1.5, 0.1)
Z_p = {"metallicity": 0.01}
metal_dist = ZDist.DeltaConstant(**Z_p)
sfh_p = {"duration": 100 * Myr}
sfh = SFH.Constant(**sfh_p)  # constant star formation

# Generate the star formation metallicity history
mass = 10**10
param_stars = ParametricStars(

# How many stars and gas particles?
nstars = 1000
ngas = 1000

# Generate some random coordinates
coords = CoordinateGenerator.generate_3D_gaussian(nstars)

# Calculate the smoothing lengths from radii
cent = np.mean(coords, axis=0)
rs = np.sqrt(
    (coords[:, 0] - cent[0]) ** 2
    + (coords[:, 1] - cent[1]) ** 2
    + (coords[:, 2] - cent[2]) ** 2
rs[rs < 0.2] = 0.6  # Set a lower bound on the "smoothing length"

# Sample the SFZH, producing a Stars object
# we will also pass some keyword arguments for attributes
# we will need for imaging
stars = sample_sfhz(
    current_masses=np.full(nstars, 10**8.7 / nstars),
    smoothing_lengths=rs / 2,

# Now make the gas

# Generate some random coordinates
coords = CoordinateGenerator.generate_3D_gaussian(ngas)

# Calculate the smoothing lengths from radii
cent = np.mean(coords, axis=0)
rs = np.sqrt(
    (coords[:, 0] - cent[0]) ** 2
    + (coords[:, 1] - cent[1]) ** 2
    + (coords[:, 2] - cent[2]) ** 2
rs[rs < 0.2] = 0.6  # Set a lower bound on the "smoothing length"

gas = Gas(
    masses=np.random.uniform(10**6, 10**6.5, ngas),
    metallicities=np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.05, ngas),
    smoothing_lengths=rs / 4,

# Create galaxy object
galaxy = Galaxy("Galaxy", stars=stars, gas=gas, redshift=1)

# Calculate the stellar rest frame SEDs for all particles in erg / s / Hz

# Get the SPH kernel
sph_kernel = Kernel()
kernel_data = sph_kernel.get_kernel()

# Calculate the tau_vs
tau_v = galaxy.calculate_los_tau_v(
    kappa=0.07, kernel=kernel_data, force_loop=True

# Get the attenuated spectra
galaxy.stars.particle_spectra["attenuated"] = galaxy.stars.particle_spectra[

# Integrate the particle spectra

# Plot the Sed
galaxy.plot_spectra(show=True, combined_spectra=False, stellar_spectra=True)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.142 seconds)

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