"""Functionality related to spectra storage and manipulation.
When a spectra is computed from a `Galaxy` or a Galaxy component the resulting
calculated spectra are stored in `Sed` objects. These provide helper functions
for quick manipulation of the spectra. Seds can contain a single spectra or
arbitrarily many, with all methods capable of acting on both consistently.
Example usage:
sed = Sed(lams, lnu)
sed.get_photo_fnu(filters, nthreads=4)
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.stats import linregress
from spectres import spectres
from unyt import Hz, angstrom, c, cm, erg, eV, h, pc, s
from synthesizer import exceptions
from synthesizer.conversions import lnu_to_llam
from synthesizer.extensions.timers import tic, toc
from synthesizer.photometry import PhotometryCollection
from synthesizer.units import Quantity, accepts
from synthesizer.utils import (
from synthesizer.utils.integrate import integrate_last_axis
from synthesizer.warnings import deprecated, warn
class Sed:
A class representing a spectral energy distribution (SED).
lam (Quantity, array-like, float)
The rest frame wavelength array.
nu (Quantity, array-like, float)
The rest frame frequency array.
lnu (Quantity, array-like, float)
The spectral luminosity density.
bolometric_luminosity (Quantity, float)
The bolometric luminosity.
fnu (Quantity, array-like, float)
The spectral flux density.
obslam (Quantity, array-like, float)
The observed wavelength array.
obsnu (Quantity, array-like, float)
The observed frequency array.
description (string)
An optional descriptive string defining the Sed.
redshift (float)
The redshift of the Sed.
photo_lnu (dict, float)
The rest frame broadband photometry in arbitrary filters
(filter_code: photometry).
photo_fnu (dict, float)
The observed broadband photometry in arbitrary filters
(filter_code: photometry).
# Define Quantities, for details see units.py
lam = Quantity()
nu = Quantity()
lnu = Quantity()
fnu = Quantity()
obsnu = Quantity()
obslam = Quantity()
@accepts(lam=angstrom, lnu=erg / s / Hz)
def __init__(self, lam, lnu=None, description=None):
Initialise a new spectral energy distribution object.
lam (array-like, float)
The rest frame wavelength array. Default units are defined
in `synthesizer.units`. If unmodified these will be Angstroms.
lnu (array-like, float)
The spectral luminosity density. Default units are defined in
`synthesizer.units`. If unmodified these will be erg/s/Hz
description (string)
An optional descriptive string defining the Sed.
start = tic()
# Set the description
self.description = description
# Set the wavelength
self.lam = lam
# Calculate frequency
self.nu = c / self.lam
# If no lnu is provided create an empty array with the same shape as
# lam.
if lnu is None:
self.lnu = np.zeros(self.lam.shape)
self.lnu = lnu
# Redshift of the SED
self.redshift = 0
# The wavelengths and frequencies in the observer frame
self.obslam = None
self.obsnu = None
self.fnu = None
# Broadband photometry
self.photo_lnu = None
self.photo_fnu = None
toc("Creating Sed", start)
def sum(self):
For multidimensional `sed`'s, sum the luminosity to provide a 1D
integrated SED.
sed (object, Sed)
Summed 1D SED.
# Check that the lnu array is multidimensional
if len(self._lnu.shape) > 1:
# Define the axes to sum over to give only the final axis
sum_over = tuple(range(0, len(self._lnu.shape) - 1))
# Create a new sed object with the first Lnu dimension collapsed
new_sed = Sed(
self.lam, np.nansum(self._lnu, axis=sum_over) * self.lnu.units
# If fnu exists, sum that too
if self.fnu is not None:
new_sed.fnu = (
np.nansum(self._fnu, axis=sum_over) * self.fnu.units
new_sed.obsnu = self.obsnu
new_sed.obslam = self.obslam
new_sed.redshift = self.redshift
return new_sed
# If 1D, just return the original array
return self
def concat(self, *other_seds):
Concatenate the spectra arrays of multiple Sed objects.
This will combine the arrays along the first axis. For example
concatenating two Seds with Sed.lnu.shape = (10, 1000) and
Sed.lnu.shape = (20, 1000) will result in a new Sed with
Sed.lnu.shape = (30, 1000). The wavelength array of
the resulting Sed will be the array on self.
Incompatible spectra shapes will raise an error.
other_seds (object, Sed)
Any number of Sed objects to concatenate with self. These must
have the same wavelength array.
A new instance of Sed with the concatenated lnu arrays.
If wavelength arrays are incompatible an error is raised.
# Define the new lnu to accumalate in
new_lnu = self._lnu
# Loop over the other seds
for other_sed in other_seds:
# Ensure the wavelength arrays are compatible
# NOTE: this is probably overkill and too costly. We
# could instead check the first and last entry and the shape.
# In rare instances this could fail though.
if not np.array_equal(self._lam, other_sed._lam):
raise exceptions.InconsistentAddition(
"Wavelength grids must be identical"
# Get the other lnu array
other_lnu = other_sed._lnu
# If the the number of dimensions differ between the lnu arrays we
# need to promote the smaller one
if new_lnu.ndim < other_lnu.ndim:
new_lnu = np.array((new_lnu,))
elif new_lnu.ndim > other_lnu.ndim:
other_lnu = np.array((other_lnu,))
elif new_lnu.ndim == other_lnu.ndim == 1:
new_lnu = np.array((new_lnu,))
other_lnu = np.array((other_lnu,))
# Concatenate this lnu array
new_lnu = np.concatenate((new_lnu, other_lnu))
return Sed(self.lam, new_lnu * self.lnu.units)
def __add__(self, second_sed):
Overide addition operator to allow two Sed objects to be added
second_sed (object, Sed)
The Sed object to combine with self.
A new instance of Sed with added lnu and fnu arrays.
If wavelength arrays or lnu arrays are incompatible an error
is raised.
# Ensure the wavelength arrays are compatible
if not (
self._lam[0] == second_sed._lam[0]
and self._lam[-1] == second_sed._lam[-1]
raise exceptions.InconsistentAddition(
"Wavelength grids must be identical "
f"({self.lam.min()} -> {self.lam.max()} "
f"with shape {self._lam.shape} != "
f"{second_sed.lam.min()} -> {second_sed.lam.max()} "
f"with shape {second_sed._lam.shape})"
# Ensure the lnu arrays are compatible
# This check is redudant for Sed.lnu.shape = (nlam, ) spectra but will
# not erroneously error. Nor is it expensive.
if self._lnu.shape[0] != second_sed._lnu.shape[0]:
raise exceptions.InconsistentAddition(
"SEDs must have same dimensions "
f"({self._lnu.shape} != {second_sed._lnu.shape})"
# They're compatible, add them and make a new Sed
new_sed = Sed(self.lam, lnu=self.lnu + second_sed.lnu)
# If fnu exists on both then we need to add those too
if (self.fnu is not None) and (second_sed.fnu is not None):
new_sed.fnu = self.fnu + second_sed.fnu
new_sed.obsnu = self.obsnu
new_sed.obslam = self.obslam
new_sed.redshift = self.redshift
return new_sed
def __radd__(self, second_sed):
Overloads "reflected" addition to allow sed objects to be added
together when in reverse order, i.e. second_sed + self.
This may seem superfluous, but it is needed to enable the use of sum()
on lists of Seds.
A new instance of Sed with added lnu arrays.
If wavelength arrays or lnu arrays are incompatible an error
is raised.
# Handle the int case explictly which is triggered by the use of sum
if isinstance(second_sed, int) and second_sed == 0:
return self
return self.__add__(second_sed)
def __mul__(self, scaling):
Overide multiplication operator to allow lnu to be scaled.
This only works scaling * x.
Note: only acts on the rest frame spectra. To get the
scaled fnu get_fnu must be called on the newly scaled
Sed object.
scaling (float)
The scaling to apply to lnu.
A new instance of Sed with scaled lnu.
return Sed(self.lam, lnu=scaling * self.lnu)
def __rmul__(self, scaling):
As above but for x * scaling.
Note: only acts on the rest frame spectra. To get the
scaled fnu get_fnu must be called on the newly
scaled Sed object.
scaling (float)
The scaling to apply to lnu.
A new instance of Sed with scaled lnu.
return Sed(self._lam, lnu=scaling * self.lnu)
def __str__(self):
Return a string representation of the SED object.
table (str)
A string representation of the SED object.
# Intialise the table formatter
formatter = TableFormatter(self)
return formatter.get_table("SED")
def luminosity(self):
Get the spectra in terms of luminosity.
luminosity (unyt_array)
The luminosity array.
return self.lnu * self.nu
def flux(self):
Get the spectra in terms fo flux.
flux (unyt_array)
The flux array.
return self.fnu * self.obsnu
def llam(self):
Get the spectral luminosity density per Angstrom.
luminosity (unyt_array)
The spectral luminosity density per Angstrom array.
return self.nu * self.lnu / self.lam
def luminosity_nu(self):
Alias to lnu.
luminosity (unyt_array)
The spectral luminosity density per Hz array.
return self.lnu
def luminosity_lambda(self):
Alias to llam.
luminosity (unyt_array)
The spectral luminosity density per Angstrom array.
return self.llam
def wavelength(self):
Alias to lam (wavelength array).
wavelength (unyt_array)
The wavelength array.
return self.lam
def frequency(self):
Alias to nu (frequency array).
frequency (unyt_array)
The frequency array.
return self.nu
def energy(self):
Get the wavelengths in terms of photon energies in eV.
energy (unyt_array)
The energy coordinate.
return (h * c / self.lam).to(eV)
def ndim(self):
Get the dimensions of the spectra array.
The shape of self.lnu
return np.ndim(self.lnu)
def shape(self):
Get the shape of the spectra array.
The shape of self.lnu
return self.lnu.shape
def bolometric_luminosity(self):
Return the bolometric luminosity of the SED with units.
This will integrate the SED using the trapezium method over the
final axis (which is always the wavelength axis) for an arbitrary
number of dimensions.
bolometric_luminosity (unyt_array)
The bolometric luminosity.
# Calculate the bolometric luminosity using the trapezium rule.
# NOTE: the integration is done "backwards" when integrating over
# frequency. It's faster to just multiply by -1 than to reverse the
# array.
integral = -integrate_last_axis(
# Return the bolometric luminosity with units
return integral * self.lnu.units * self.nu.units
def _bolometric_luminosity(self):
Return the bolometric luminosity of the SED without units.
This will integrate the SED using the trapezium method over the
final axis (which is always the wavelength axis) for an arbitrary
number of dimensions.
bolometric_luminosity (float)
The bolometric luminosity.
return self.bolometric_luminosity.value
def get_lnu_at_nu(self, nu, kind=False):
Return lnu with units at a provided frequency using 1d interpolation.
wavelength (float/array-like, float)
The wavelength(s) of interest.
kind (str)
Interpolation kind, see scipy.interp1d docs for more
information. Possible values are 'linear', 'nearest',
'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', and
luminosity (unyt_array)
The luminosity (lnu) at the provided wavelength.
return interp1d(self._nu, self._lnu, kind=kind)(nu) * self.lnu.units
def get_lnu_at_lam(self, lam, kind=False):
Return lnu at a provided wavelength.
lam (float/array-like, float)
The wavelength(s) of interest.
kind (str)
Interpolation kind, see scipy.interp1d docs for more
information. Possible values are 'linear', 'nearest',
'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', and
luminosity (unyt-array)
The luminosity (lnu) at the provided wavelength.
return interp1d(self._lam, self._lnu, kind=kind)(lam) * self.lnu.units
"Deprecated in favour of bolometric_luminosity propery method"
def measure_bolometric_luminosity(
self, integration_method="trapz", nthreads=1
Calculate the bolometric luminosity of the SED.
This will integrate the SED over the final axis (which is always the
wavelength axis) for an arbitrary number of dimensions.
integration_method (str)
The integration method used to calculate the bolometric
luminosity. Options include 'trapz' and 'simps'.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
bolometric_luminosity (float)
The bolometric luminosity.
If `integration_method` is an incompatible option an error
is raised.
start = tic()
# Calculate the bolometric luminosity
# NOTE: the integration is done "backwards" when integrating over
# frequency. It's faster to just multiply by -1 than to reverse the
# array.
integral = -integrate_last_axis(
toc("Calculating bolometric luminosity", start)
return integral * self.lnu.units * self.nu.units
def measure_window_luminosity(
self, window, integration_method="trapz", nthreads=1
Measure the luminosity in a spectral window.
window (tuple, float)
The window in wavelength.
integration_method (str)
The integration method used to calculate the window
luminosity. Options include 'trapz' and 'simps'.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
luminosity (float)
The luminosity in the window.
If `integration_method` is an incompatible option
an error is raised.
# Define the "transmission" for the window
transmission = (self.lam > window[0]) & (self.lam < window[1])
# Integrate the window
# NOTE: the integration is done "backwards" when integrating over
# frequency. It's faster to just multiply by -1 than to reverse the
# array.
luminosity = -(
self._lnu * transmission,
* self.lnu.units
* Hz
return luminosity
def measure_window_lnu(
self, window, integration_method="trapz", nthreads=1
Measure lnu in a spectral window.
window (tuple, float)
The window in wavelength.
integration_method (str)
The integration method to use on the window. Options include
'average', or for integration 'trapz', and 'simps'.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
luminosity (float)
The luminosity in the window.
If `integration_method` is an incompatible option an error
is raised.
# Define a pseudo transmission function
transmission = (self.lam > window[0]) & (self.lam < window[1])
transmission = transmission.astype(float)
# Apply the correct method
if integration_method == "average":
# Apply to the correct axis of the spectra
if self.ndim >= 2:
lnu = (
np.sum(_lnu * transmission) / np.sum(transmission)
for _lnu in self._lnu.reshape(
-1, self._lnu.shape[-1]
* self.lnu.units
lnu = lnu.reshape(self._lnu.shape[:-1])
lnu = np.sum(self.lnu * transmission) / np.sum(transmission)
# Luminosity integral
lum = integrate_last_axis(
self._lnu * transmission / self.nu,
# Transmission integral
tran = integrate_last_axis(
transmission / self.nu,
# Compute lnu
lnu = lum / tran * self.lnu.units
return lnu.to(self.lnu.units)
@accepts(blue=angstrom, red=angstrom)
def measure_break(self, blue, red, nthreads=1, integration_method="trapz"):
Measure a spectral break (e.g. the Balmer break) using two windows.
blue (tuple, float)
The wavelength limits of the blue window.
red (tuple, float)
The wavelength limits of the red window.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
integration_method (str)
The integration method used. Options include 'trapz'
and 'simps'.
The ratio of the luminosity in the two windows.
If `integration_method` is an incompatible option an error
is raised.
return (
/ self.measure_window_lnu(
def measure_balmer_break(self, nthreads=1, integration_method="trapz"):
Measure the Balmer break.
This will use two windows at (3400,3600) and (4150,4250).
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
integration_method (str)
The integration method used. Options include 'trapz'
and 'simps'.
The Balmer break strength
If `integration_method` is an incompatible option an error
is raised.
blue = (3400, 3600) * angstrom
red = (4150, 4250) * angstrom
return self.measure_break(
blue, red, nthreads=nthreads, integration_method=integration_method
def measure_d4000(
self, definition="Bruzual83", nthreads=1, integration_method="trapz"
Measure the D4000 index.
This can optionally use either the Bruzual83 or Balogh definitions.
The choice of definition: 'Bruzual83' or 'Balogh'.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
integration_method (str)
The integration method used. Options include 'trapz'
and 'simps'.
The Balmer break strength.
If `definition` or `integration_method` is an
incompatible option an error is raised.
# Define the requested definition
if definition == "Bruzual83":
blue = (3750, 3950) * angstrom
red = (4050, 4250) * angstrom
elif definition == "Balogh":
blue = (3850, 3950) * angstrom
red = (4000, 4100) * angstrom
raise exceptions.UnrecognisedOption(
f"Unrecognised definition ({definition}). "
"Options are 'Bruzual83' or 'Balogh'"
return self.measure_break(
def measure_beta(
window=(1250.0 * angstrom, 3000.0 * angstrom),
Measure the UV continuum slope (beta).
If the provided window is len(2) a full fit to the spectra is performed
otherwise the luminosity in two windows is calculated and used to
determine the slope, similar to observations.
window (tuple, float)
The window in which to measure in terms of wavelength.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
integration_method (str)
The integration method used to calculate the window luminosity.
Options include 'trapz' and 'simps'.
The UV continuum slope (beta)
If `integration_method` is an incompatible option an error
is raised.
# If a single window is provided
if len(window) == 2:
s = (self.lam > window[0]) & (self.lam < window[1])
# Handle different spectra dimensions
if self.ndim >= 2:
beta = np.array(
np.log10(self._lam[s]), np.log10(_lnu[..., s])
- 2.0
for _lnu in self.lnu.reshape(-1, self.lnu.shape[-1])
beta = beta.reshape(self.lnu.shape[:-1])
beta = (
linregress(np.log10(self._lam[s]), np.log10(self._lnu[s]))[
- 2.0
# If two windows are provided
elif len(window) == 4:
# Define the red and blue windows
blue = window[:2]
red = window[2:]
# Measure the red and blue windows
lnu_blue = self.measure_window_lnu(
lnu_red = self.measure_window_lnu(
# Measure beta
beta = (
np.log10(lnu_blue / lnu_red)
/ np.log10(np.mean(blue) / np.mean(red))
- 2.0
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"A window of len 2 or 4 must be provided"
return beta
def get_fnu0(self):
Calculate the rest frame spectral flux density.
Uses a standard distance of 10 pcs.
This will also populate the observed wavelength and frequency arrays
which in this case are the same as the emitted arrays.
fnu (ndarray)
Spectral flux density calcualted at d=10 pc.
# Get the observed wavelength and frequency arrays
self.obslam = self._lam
self.obsnu = self._nu
# Compute the flux SED and apply unit conversions to get to nJy
self.fnu = self.lnu / (4 * np.pi * (10 * pc) ** 2)
return self.fnu
def get_fnu(self, cosmo, z, igm=None):
Calculate the observed frame spectral energy distribution.
This will also populate the observed wavelength and frequency arrays
with the observer frame values.
NOTE: if a redshift of 0 is passed the flux return will be calculated
assuming a distance of 10 pc omitting IGM since at this distance
IGM contribution makes no sense.
cosmo (astropy.cosmology)
astropy cosmology instance.
z (float)
The redshift of the spectra.
igm (igm)
The IGM class. e.g. `synthesizer.igm.Inoue14`.
Defaults to None.
fnu (ndarray)
Spectral flux density calcualted at d=10 pc
# Store the redshift for later use
self.redshift = z
# If we have a redshift of 0 then the below will break since the
# distance will be 0. Instead call get_fnu0 to get the flux at 10 pc
if self.redshift == 0:
return self.get_fnu0()
# Get the observed wavelength and frequency arrays
self.obslam = self._lam * (1.0 + z)
self.obsnu = self._nu / (1.0 + z)
# Compute the luminosity distance
luminosity_distance = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).to("cm").value * cm
# Finally, compute the flux SED and apply unit conversions to get
# to nJy
self.fnu = self.lnu * (1.0 + z) / (4 * np.pi * luminosity_distance**2)
# If we are applying an IGM model apply it
if igm is not None:
self._fnu *= igm().get_transmission(z, self._obslam)
return self.fnu
def get_photo_lnu(self, filters, verbose=True, nthreads=1):
Calculate broadband luminosities using a FilterCollection object.
filters (filters.FilterCollection)
A FilterCollection object.
verbose (bool)
Are we talking?
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
photo_lnu (dict)
A dictionary of rest frame broadband luminosities.
# Intialise result dictionary
photo_lnu = {}
# Loop over filters
for f in filters:
# Apply the filter transmission curve and store the resulting
# luminosity
bb_lum = f.apply_filter(self._lnu, nu=self._nu, nthreads=nthreads)
photo_lnu[f.filter_code] = bb_lum * self.lnu.units
# Create the photometry collection and store it in the object
self.photo_lnu = PhotometryCollection(filters, **photo_lnu)
return self.photo_lnu
def get_photo_fnu(self, filters, verbose=True, nthreads=1):
Calculate broadband fluxes using a FilterCollection object.
filters (object)
A FilterCollection object.
verbose (bool)
Are we talking?
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
A dictionary of fluxes in each filter in filters.
# Ensure fluxes actually exist
if (self.obslam is None) | (self.fnu is None):
return ValueError(
"Fluxes not calculated, run `get_fnu` or "
"`get_fnu0` for observer frame or rest-frame "
"fluxes, respectively"
# Set up flux dictionary
photo_fnu = {}
# Loop over filters in filter collection
for f in filters:
# Calculate and store the broadband flux in this filter
bb_flux = f.apply_filter(
photo_fnu[f.filter_code] = bb_flux * self.fnu.units
# Create the photometry collection and store it in the object
self.photo_fnu = PhotometryCollection(filters, **photo_fnu)
return self.photo_fnu
def measure_colour(self, f1, f2):
Measure a broadband colour.
f1 (str)
The blue filter code.
f2 (str)
The red filter code.
The broadband colour.
# Ensure fluxes exist
if not bool(self.photo_fnu):
raise ValueError(
"Broadband fluxes not yet calculated, "
"run `get_photo_fnu` with a "
return 2.5 * np.log10(self.photo_fnu[f2] / self.photo_fnu[f1])
@accepts(feature=angstrom, blue=angstrom, red=angstrom)
def measure_index(self, feature, blue, red):
Measure an absorption feature index.
feature (tuple)
Absorption feature window.
blue (tuple)
Blue continuum window for fitting.
red (tuple)
Red continuum window for fitting.
index (float)
Absorption feature index in units of wavelength
# self.lnu = np.array([self.lnu, self.lnu*2])
# Measure the red and blue windows
lnu_blue = self.measure_window_lnu(blue)
lnu_red = self.measure_window_lnu(red)
# Define the wavelength grid over the feature
transmission = (self.lam > feature[0]) & (self.lam < feature[1])
feature_lam = self.lam[transmission]
# Extract mean values
mean_blue = np.mean(blue)
mean_red = np.mean(red)
# Handle different spectra shapes
if self.ndim >= 2:
# Multiple spectra case
# Perform polyfit for the continuum fit for all spectra
continuum_fits = np.polyfit(
[mean_blue, mean_red], [lnu_blue, lnu_red], 1
# Use the continuum fit to define the continuum for all spectra
continuum = (
* feature_lam.to(self.lam.units).value[:, np.newaxis]
+ continuum_fits[1][:, np.newaxis]
) * self.lnu.units
# Define the continuum subtracted spectrum for all SEDs
feature_lum = self.lnu[:, transmission]
feature_lum_continuum_subtracted = (
-(feature_lum - continuum) / continuum
# Measure index for all SEDs
index = np.trapz(
feature_lum_continuum_subtracted, x=feature_lam, axis=1
# Single spectra case
# Perform polyfit for the continuum fit
continuum_fit = np.polyfit(
[mean_blue, mean_red], [lnu_blue, lnu_red], 1
# Use the continuum fit to define the continuum
continuum = (
(continuum_fit[0] * feature_lam.to(self.lam.units).value)
+ continuum_fit[1]
) * self.lnu.units
# Define the continuum subtracted spectrum
feature_lum = self.lnu[transmission]
feature_lum_continuum_subtracted = (
-(feature_lum - continuum) / continuum
# Measure index
index = np.trapz(feature_lum_continuum_subtracted, x=feature_lam)
return index
def get_resampled_sed(self, resample_factor=None, new_lam=None):
Resample the spectra onto a new set of wavelength points.
This resampling can either be done by an integer number of wavelength
elements per original wavelength element (i.e. up sampling),
or by providing a new wavelength grid to resample on to.
resample_factor (int)
The number of additional wavelength elements to
resample to.
new_lam (array-like, float)
The wavelength array to resample onto.
A new Sed with the rebinned rest frame spectra.
Either resample factor or new_lam must be supplied. If neither
or both are passed an error is raised.
start = tic()
# Ensure we have what we need
if resample_factor is None and new_lam is None:
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"Either resample_factor or new_lam must be specified"
# Both arguments are unecessary, tell the user what we will do
if resample_factor is not None and new_lam is not None:
warn("Got resample_factor and new_lam, ignoring resample_factor")
# Resample the wavelength array
if new_lam is None:
new_lam = rebin_1d(self.lam, resample_factor, func=np.mean)
# Evaluate the function at the desired wavelengths
new_spectra = spectres(new_lam, self._lam, self._lnu, fill=0)
# Instantiate the new Sed
sed = Sed(new_lam, new_spectra * self.lnu.units)
# If self also has fnu we should resample those too and store the
# shifted wavelengths and frequencies
if self.fnu is not None:
sed.obslam = sed.lam * (1.0 + self.redshift)
sed.obsnu = sed.nu / (1.0 + self.redshift)
sed.fnu = (
spectres(sed._obslam, self._obslam, self._fnu) * self.fnu.units
sed.redshift = self.redshift
# Clean up nans, we shouldn't get them but they do appear sometimes...
sed._lnu = np.nan_to_num(sed._lnu)
sed._fnu = np.nan_to_num(sed._fnu)
sed._lam = np.nan_to_num(sed._lam)
sed._nu = np.nan_to_num(sed._nu)
sed._obslam = np.nan_to_num(sed._obslam)
sed._obsnu = np.nan_to_num(sed._obsnu)
toc("Resampling Sed", start)
return sed
def apply_attenuation(
Apply attenuation to spectra.
tau_v (float/array-like, float)
The V-band optical depth for every star particle.
dust_curve (synthesizer.emission_models.attenuation.*)
An instance of one of the dust attenuation models. (defined in
mask (array-like, bool)
A mask array with an entry for each spectra. Masked out
spectra will be ignored when applying the attenuation. Only
applicable for Sed's holding an (N, Nlam) array.
A new Sed containing the rest frame spectra of self attenuated
by the transmission defined from tau_v and the dust curve.
# Ensure the mask is compatible with the spectra
if mask is not None:
if self._lnu.ndim < 2:
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"Masks are only applicable for Seds containing "
"multiple spectra"
if self._lnu.shape[: mask.ndim] != mask.shape:
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"Mask and spectra are incompatible shapes "
f"({mask.shape}, {self._lnu.shape})"
# If tau_v is an array it needs to match the spectra shape
if isinstance(tau_v, np.ndarray):
if self._lnu.ndim < 2:
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"Arrays of tau_v values are only applicable for Seds"
" containing multiple spectra"
if self._lnu.shape[0] != tau_v.size:
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"tau_v and spectra are incompatible shapes "
f"({tau_v.shape}, {self._lnu.shape})"
# Compute the transmission
transmission = dust_curve.get_transmission(tau_v, self.lam)
# Get a copy of the rest frame spectra, we need to avoid
# modifying the original
spectra = np.copy(self._lnu)
# Apply the transmission curve to the rest frame spectra with or
# without applying a mask
if mask is None:
spectra *= transmission
elif transmission.ndim > 1:
spectra[mask] *= transmission[mask]
spectra[mask] *= transmission
return Sed(self.lam, lnu=spectra * self.lnu.units)
def calculate_ionising_photon_production_rate(
self, ionisation_energy=13.6 * eV, limit=100, nthreads=1
Calculate the ionising photon production rate.
ionisation_energy (unyt_array)
The ionisation energy.
limit (float/int)
An upper bound on the number of subintervals
used in the integration adaptive algorithm.
nthreads (int)
The number of threads to use for the integration. If -1 then
all available threads are used.
Ionising photon luminosity (s^-1).
# Convert lnu to llam
llam = lnu_to_llam(self.lam, self.lnu)
# Calculate ionisation wavelength
ionisation_wavelength = h * c / ionisation_energy
ionisation_mask = self.lam < ionisation_wavelength
# Define integration arrays
x = self._lam
y = (llam * self.lam / h.to(erg / Hz) / c.to(angstrom / s)).value
# Restrict arrays to ionisation regime
x = x[ionisation_mask]
if len(y.shape) == 1:
y = y[ionisation_mask]
y = y[..., ionisation_mask]
# Add a final data point at the ionising energy to ensure full
# coverage.
x0 = ionisation_wavelength.to(angstrom).value
if len(y.shape) == 1:
y0 = np.interp(x0, x, y)
y = np.append(y, y0)
y0 = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda y_: np.interp(x0, x, y_), axis=-1, arr=y
y0 = np.expand_dims(y0, -1)
y = np.append(y, y0, axis=-1)
x = np.append(x, x0)
ion_photon_prod_rate = integrate_last_axis(x, y, nthreads=nthreads) / s
return ion_photon_prod_rate
def plot_spectra(self, **kwargs):
Plot the spectra.
A wrapper for synthesizer.sed.plot_spectra()
return plot_spectra(self, **kwargs)
def plot_observed_spectra(self, **kwargs):
Plot the observed spectra.
A wrapper for synthesizer.sed.plot_observed_spectra()
return plot_observed_spectra(self, self.redshift, **kwargs)
def plot_spectra_as_rainbow(self, **kwargs):
Plot the spectra as a rainbow.
A wrapper for synthesizer.sed.plot_spectra_as_rainbow()
return plot_spectra_as_rainbow(self, **kwargs)
def plot_spectra(
figsize=(3.5, 5),
Plots either a specific spectra or all spectra provided in a dictionary.
The plotted "type" of spectra is defined by the quantity_to_plot keyword
arrgument which defaults to "lnu".
This is a generic plotting function to be used either directly or to be
wrapped by helper methods through Synthesizer.
spectra (dict/Sed)
The Sed objects from which to plot. This can either be a dictionary
of Sed objects to plot multiple or a single Sed object to only plot
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
The figure containing the axis. By default one is created in this
ax (matplotlib.axes)
The axis to plot the data on. By default one is created in this
show (bool)
Flag for whether to show the plot or just return the
figure and axes.
ylimits (tuple)
The limits to apply to the y axis. If not provided the limits
will be calculated with the lower limit set to 1000 (100) times
less than the peak of the spectrum for rest_frame (observed)
xlimits (tuple)
The limits to apply to the x axis. If not provided the optimal
limits are found based on the ylimits.
figsize (tuple)
Tuple with size 2 defining the figure size.
label (string)
The label to give the spectra. Only applicable when Sed is a single
draw_legend (bool)
Whether to draw the legend.
x_units (unyt.unit_object.Unit)
The units of the x axis. This will be converted to a string
and included in the axis label. By default the internal unit system
is assumed unless this is passed.
y_units (unyt.unit_object.Unit)
The units of the y axis. This will be converted to a string
and included in the axis label. By default the internal unit system
is assumed unless this is passed.
quantity_to_plot (string)
The sed property to plot. Can be "lnu", "luminosity" or "llam"
for rest frame spectra or "fnu", "flam" or "flux" for observed
spectra. Defaults to "lnu".
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
The matplotlib figure object for the plot.
ax (matplotlib.axes)
The matplotlib axes object containing the plotted data.
# Check we have been given a valid quantity_to_plot
if quantity_to_plot not in (
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
f"{quantity_to_plot} is not a valid quantity_to_plot"
"(can be 'fnu' or 'flam')"
# Are we plotting in the rest_frame?
rest_frame = quantity_to_plot in ("lnu", "llam", "luminosity")
# Make a singular Sed a dictionary for ease below
if isinstance(spectra, Sed):
spectra = {
label if label is not None else "spectra": spectra,
# Don't draw a legend if not label given
if label is None and draw_legend:
warn("No label given, we will not draw a legend")
draw_legend = False
# If we don't already have a figure, make one
if fig is None:
# Set up the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
# Define the axes geometry
left = 0.15
height = 0.6
bottom = 0.1
width = 0.8
# Create the axes
ax = fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height))
# Set the scale to log log
# Loop over the dict we have been handed, we want to do this backwards
# to ensure the most recent spectra are on top
keys = list(spectra.keys())[::-1]
seds = list(spectra.values())[::-1]
for key, sed in zip(keys, seds):
# Get the appropriate luminosity/flux and wavelengths
if rest_frame:
lam = sed.lam
# Ensure we have fluxes
if sed.fnu is None:
raise exceptions.MissingSpectraType(
f"This Sed has no fluxes ({key})! Have you called "
# Ok everything is fine
lam = sed.obslam
plt_spectra = getattr(sed, quantity_to_plot)
# Prettify the label if not latex
if not any([c in key for c in ("$", "_")]):
key = key.replace("_", " ").title()
# Plot this spectra
ax.plot(lam, plt_spectra, lw=1, alpha=0.8, label=key)
# Do we not have y limtis?
if len(ylimits) == 0:
# Define initial xlimits
ylimits = [np.inf, -np.inf]
# Loop over spectra and get the total required limits
for sed in spectra.values():
# Get the maximum ignoring infinites
okinds = np.logical_and(
getattr(sed, quantity_to_plot) > 0,
getattr(sed, quantity_to_plot) < np.inf,
if True not in okinds:
max_val = np.nanmax(getattr(sed, quantity_to_plot)[okinds])
# Derive the x limits
y_up = 10 ** (np.log10(max_val) * 1.05)
y_low = 10 ** (np.log10(max_val) - 5)
# Update limits
if y_low < ylimits[0]:
ylimits[0] = y_low
if y_up > ylimits[1]:
ylimits[1] = y_up
# Do we not have x limits?
if len(xlimits) == 0:
# Define initial xlimits
xlimits = [np.inf, -np.inf]
# Loop over spectra and get the total required limits
for sed in spectra.values():
# Derive the x limits from data above the ylimits
plt_spectra = getattr(sed, quantity_to_plot)
lam_mask = plt_spectra > ylimits[0]
if rest_frame:
lams_above = sed.lam[lam_mask]
lams_above = sed.obslam[lam_mask]
# Saftey skip if no values are above the limit
if lams_above.size == 0:
# Derive the x limits
x_low = 10 ** (np.log10(np.min(lams_above)) * 0.9)
x_up = 10 ** (np.log10(np.max(lams_above)) * 1.1)
# Update limits
if x_low < xlimits[0]:
xlimits[0] = x_low
if x_up > xlimits[1]:
xlimits[1] = x_up
# Set the limits
if not np.isnan(xlimits[0]) and not np.isnan(xlimits[1]):
if not np.isnan(ylimits[0]) and not np.isnan(ylimits[1]):
# Make the legend
if draw_legend and any(ax.get_legend_handles_labels()[1]):
ax.legend(fontsize=8, labelspacing=0.0)
# Parse the units for the labels and make them pretty
if x_units is None:
x_units = lam.units.latex_repr
x_units = str(x_units)
if y_units is None:
y_units = plt_spectra.units.latex_repr
y_units = str(y_units)
# Replace any \frac with a \ division
pattern = r"\{(.*?)\}\{(.*?)\}"
replacement = r"\1 \ / \ \2"
x_units = re.sub(pattern, replacement, x_units).replace(r"\frac", "")
y_units = re.sub(pattern, replacement, y_units).replace(r"\frac", "")
# Label the x axis
if rest_frame:
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda/[\mathrm{" + x_units + r"}]$")
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda_\mathrm{obs}/[\mathrm{" + x_units + r"}]$")
# Label the y axis handling all possibilities
if quantity_to_plot == "lnu":
ax.set_ylabel(r"$L_{\nu}/[\mathrm{" + y_units + r"}]$")
elif quantity_to_plot == "llam":
ax.set_ylabel(r"$L_{\lambda}/[\mathrm{" + y_units + r"}]$")
elif quantity_to_plot == "luminosity":
ax.set_ylabel(r"$L/[\mathrm{" + y_units + r"}]$")
elif quantity_to_plot == "fnu":
ax.set_ylabel(r"$F_{\nu}/[\mathrm{" + y_units + r"}]$")
elif quantity_to_plot == "flam":
ax.set_ylabel(r"$F_{\lambda}/[\mathrm{" + y_units + r"}]$")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$F/[\mathrm{" + y_units + r"}]$")
# Are we showing?
if show:
return fig, ax
def plot_observed_spectra(
figsize=(3.5, 5),
Plots either a specific observed spectra or all observed spectra
provided in a dictionary.
This function is a wrapper around plot_spectra.
This is a generic plotting function to be used either directly or to be
wrapped by helper methods through Synthesizer.
spectra (dict/Sed)
The Sed objects from which to plot. This can either be a dictionary
of Sed objects to plot multiple or a single Sed object to only plot
redshift (float)
The redshift of the observation.
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
The figure containing the axis. By default one is created in this
ax (matplotlib.axes)
The axis to plot the data on. By default one is created in this
show (bool)
Flag for whether to show the plot or just return the
figure and axes.
ylimits (tuple)
The limits to apply to the y axis. If not provided the limits
will be calculated with the lower limit set to 1000 (100) times
less than the peak of the spectrum for rest_frame (observed)
xlimits (tuple)
The limits to apply to the x axis. If not provided the optimal
limits are found based on the ylimits.
figsize (tuple)
Tuple with size 2 defining the figure size.
label (string)
The label to give the spectra. Only applicable when Sed is a single
draw_legend (bool)
Whether to draw the legend.
x_units (unyt.unit_object.Unit)
The units of the x axis. This will be converted to a string
and included in the axis label. By default the internal unit system
is assumed unless this is passed.
y_units (unyt.unit_object.Unit)
The units of the y axis. This will be converted to a string
and included in the axis label. By default the internal unit system
is assumed unless this is passed.
filters (FilterCollection)
If given then the photometry is computed and both the photometry
and filter curves are plotted
quantity_to_plot (string)
The sed property to plot. Can be "fnu", "flam", or "flux".
Defaults to "fnu".
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
The matplotlib figure object for the plot.
ax (matplotlib.axes)
The matplotlib axes object containing the plotted data.
# Check we have been given a valid quantity_to_plot
if quantity_to_plot not in ("fnu", "flam"):
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
f"{quantity_to_plot} is not a valid quantity_to_plot"
"(can be 'fnu' or 'flam')"
# Get the observed spectra plot
fig, ax = plot_spectra(
# Are we including photometry and filters?
if filters is not None:
# Add a filter axis
filter_ax = ax.twinx()
filter_ax.set_ylim(0, None)
# PLot each filter curve
for f in filters:
filter_ax.plot(f.lam * (1 + redshift), f.t)
# Make a singular Sed a dictionary for ease below
if isinstance(spectra, Sed):
spectra = {
label if label is not None else "spectra": spectra,
# Loop over spectra plotting photometry and filter curves
for sed in spectra.values():
# Get the photometry
# Plot the photometry for each filter
for f in filters:
piv_lam = f.pivwv()
piv_lam * (1 + redshift),
if show:
return fig, ax
def plot_spectra_as_rainbow(
figsize=(5, 0.5),
Create a plot of the spectrum as a rainbow.
sed (synthesizer.sed.Sed)
A synthesizer Sed object.
figsize (tuple)
Fig-size tuple (width, height).
lam_min (float)
The min wavelength to plot in Angstroms.
lam_max (float)
The max wavelength to plot in Angstroms.
include_xaxis (bool)
Flag whther to include x-axis ticks and label.
logged (bool)
Flag whether to use logged luminosity.
min_log_lnu (float)
Minium luminosity to plot relative to the maximum.
use_fnu (bool)
Whether to plot fluxes or luminosities. If True
fluxes are plotted, otherwise luminosities.
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
The matplotlib figure object for the plot.
ax (matplotlib.axes)
The matplotlib axes object containing the plotted data.
# take sum of Seds if two dimensional
sed = sed.sum()
if use_fnu:
# define filter for spectra
wavelength_indices = np.logical_and(
sed._obslam < lam_max, sed._obslam > lam_min
lam = sed.obslam[wavelength_indices].to("nm").value
spectra = sed._fnu[wavelength_indices]
# define filter for spectra
wavelength_indices = np.logical_and(
sed._lam < lam_max, sed._lam > lam_min
lam = sed.lam[wavelength_indices].to("nm").value
spectra = sed._lnu[wavelength_indices]
# normalise spectrum
spectra /= np.max(spectra)
# if logged rescale to between 0 and 1 using min_log_lnu
if logged:
spectra = (np.log10(spectra) - min_log_lnu) / (-min_log_lnu)
spectra[spectra < min_log_lnu] = 0
# initialise figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
# initialise axes
if include_xaxis:
ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0.3, 1, 1))
ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0.0, 1, 1))
# set background
# always turn off y-ticks
# get an array of colours
colours = np.array(
wavelength_to_rgba(lam_, alpha=spectra_)
for lam_, spectra_ in zip(lam, spectra)
# expand dimensions to get an image array
im = np.expand_dims(colours, axis=0)
# show image
ax.imshow(im, aspect="auto", extent=(lam_min, lam_max, 0, 1))
return fig, ax
def get_transmission(intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed):
Calculate transmission as a function of wavelength from an attenuated and
an intrinsic sed.
intrinsic_sed (Sed)
The intrinsic spectra object.
attenuated_sed (Sed)
The attenuated spectra object.
array-like, float
The transmission array.
# Ensure wavelength arrays are equal
if not np.array_equal(attenuated_sed._lam, intrinsic_sed._lam):
raise exceptions.InconsistentArguments(
"Wavelength arrays of input spectra must be the same!"
return attenuated_sed.lnu / intrinsic_sed.lnu
def get_attenuation(intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed):
Calculate attenuation as a function of wavelength
intrinsic_sed (Sed)
The intrinsic spectra object.
attenuated_sed (Sed)
The attenuated spectra object.
array-like, float
The attenuation array in magnitudes.
# Calculate the transmission array
transmission = get_transmission(intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed)
return -2.5 * np.log10(transmission)
def get_attenuation_at_lam(lam, intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed):
Calculate attenuation at a given wavelength
lam (float/array-like, float)
The wavelength/s at which to evaluate the attenuation in
the same units as sed.lam (by default angstrom).
intrinsic_sed (Sed)
The intrinsic spectra object.
attenuated_sed (Sed)
The attenuated spectra object.
float/array-like, float
The attenuation at the passed wavelength/s in magnitudes.
# Ensure lam is in the same units as the sed
if lam.units != intrinsic_sed.lam.units:
lam = lam.to(intrinsic_sed.lam.units)
# Calcilate the transmission array
attenuation = get_attenuation(intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed)
return np.interp(lam.value, intrinsic_sed._lam, attenuation)
def get_attenuation_at_5500(intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed):
Calculate rest-frame FUV attenuation at 5500 angstrom.
intrinsic_sed (Sed)
The intrinsic spectra object.
attenuated_sed (Sed)
The attenuated spectra object.
The attenuation at rest-frame 5500 angstrom in magnitudes.
return get_attenuation_at_lam(
5500.0 * angstrom,
def get_attenuation_at_1500(intrinsic_sed, attenuated_sed):
Calculate rest-frame FUV attenuation at 1500 angstrom.
intrinsic_sed (Sed)
The intrinsic spectra object.
attenuated_sed (Sed)
The attenuated spectra object.
The attenuation at rest-frame 1500 angstrom in magnitudes.
return get_attenuation_at_lam(
1500.0 * angstrom,
def combine_list_of_seds(sed_list):
Combine a list of `Sed` objects (length `Ngal`) into a single
`Sed` object, with dimensions `Ngal x Nlam`. Each `Sed` object
in the list should have an identical wavelength range.
sed_list (list)
list of `Sed` objects
out_sed = sed_list[0]
for sed in sed_list[1:]:
out_sed = out_sed.concat(sed)
return out_sed