"""A module for handling I/O operations in the pipeline.
This module contains classes and functions for reading and writing data
in the pipeline. This includes reading and writing HDF5 files, as well as
handling the MPI communications for parallel I/O operations.
Example usage:
# Write data to an HDF5 file
writer = PipelineIO("output.hdf5")
writer.write_data(data, key)
import os
import time
import h5py
import numpy as np
from unyt import unyt_array
from synthesizer._version import __version__
from synthesizer.pipeline.pipeline_utils import (
from synthesizer.warnings import warn
class PipelineIO:
A class for writing data to an HDF5 file.
This class provides methods for writing data to an HDF5 file. It can
handle writing data in parallel using MPI if the h5py library has been
built with parallel support.
hdf (h5py.File): The HDF5 file to write to.
comm (mpi.Comm): The MPI communicator.
num_galaxies (int): The total number of galaxies.
rank (int): The rank of the MPI process.
is_parallel (bool): Whether the writer is running in parallel.
is_root (bool): Whether the writer is running on the root process.
is_collective (bool): Whether the writer is running in collective mode.
verbose (bool): Whether to print verbose output.
_start_time (float): The start time of the pipeline.
# Is our h5py build parallel?
if hasattr(h5py, "get_config"):
PARALLEL = h5py.get_config().mpi
def __init__(
Initialize the HDF5Writer class.
hdf (h5py.File): The HDF5 file to write to.
comm (mpi.Comm, optional): The MPI communicator.
ngalaxies_local (int, optional): The local number of galaxies.
pipeline (Pipeline): The pipeline object.
start_time (float, optional): The start time of the pipeline, used
for timing information.
verbose (int, optional): How verbose the output should be. 1 will
only print on rank 0, 2 will print on all ranks, 0 will be
silent. Defaults to 1.
parallel_io (bool, optional): Whether to use parallel I/O. This
requires h5py to be built with parallel support. Defaults to
# Store the file path
self.filepath = filepath
# Store the communicator and its properties
self.comm = comm
self.size = comm.Get_size() if comm is not None else 1
self.rank = comm.Get_rank() if comm is not None else 0
# Make sure we can write in parallel if requested
if parallel_io and not self.PARALLEL:
raise RuntimeError(
"h5py not built with parallel support. "
"Cannot use parallel_io option."
# Flags for behavior
self.is_parallel = comm is not None
self.is_root = self.rank == 0
self.is_collective = self.is_parallel and self.PARALLEL and parallel_io
# TODO: fix collective I/O
if self.is_collective:
self.is_collective = False
"Collective I/O is not currently locks up. "
"Writing a file per rank instead. "
"Feel free to contribute a fix!"
# Store the start time
if start_time is None:
self._start_time = time.perf_counter()
self._start_time = start_time
# Are we talking?
self.verbose = verbose
# Time how long we have to wait for everyone to get here
start = time.perf_counter()
if self.is_parallel:
self._took(start, "Waiting for all ranks to get to I/O")
# If we are writing in parallel but not using collective I/O we need
# write a file per rank. Modify the file path to include the rank.
ext = filepath.split(".")[-1]
self.filepath = filepath.replace(f".{ext}", f"_{self.rank}.{ext}")
# Report some useful information
if self.is_collective:
f"Writing in parallel to {filepath} "
f"with {comm.Get_size()} ranks, and collective I/O."
elif self.is_parallel:
f"Writing to {filepath} "
f"with {comm.Get_size()} ranks, and a file per rank."
self._print(f"Writing to {filepath}.")
# For collective I/O we need the counts on each rank so we know where
# to write the data
if self.is_collective or self.is_parallel:
rank_gal_counts = self.comm.allgather(ngalaxies_local)
self._ngalaxies_local = ngalaxies_local
self.num_galaxies = sum(rank_gal_counts)
self.start = sum(rank_gal_counts[: self.rank])
self.end = self.start + ngalaxies_local
self.num_galaxies = ngalaxies_local
self._ngalaxies_local = ngalaxies_local
self.start = 0
self.end = ngalaxies_local
def _print(self, *args, **kwargs):
Print a message to the screen with extra information.
The prints behave differently depending on whether we are using MPI or
not. We can also set the verbosity level at the Pipeline level which
will control the verbosity of the print statements.
0: No output beyond hello and goodbye.
1: Outputs with timings but only on rank 0 (when using MPI).
2: Outputs with timings on all ranks (when using MPI).
message (str): The message to print.
# At verbosity 0 we are silent
if self.verbose == 0:
# Get the current time code in seconds with 0 padding and 2
# decimal places
now = time.perf_counter() - self._start_time
int_now = str(int(now)).zfill(
len(str(int(now))) + 1 if now > 9999 else 5
decimal = str(now).split(".")[-1][:2]
now_str = f"{int_now}.{decimal}"
# Create the prefix for the print, theres extra info to output if
# we are using MPI
if self.is_parallel:
# Only print on rank 0 if we are using MPI and have verbosity 1
if self.verbose == 1 and self.rank != 0:
prefix = (
f"[{str(self.rank).zfill(len(str(self.size)) + 1)}]"
prefix = f"[{now_str}]:"
print(prefix, *args, **kwargs)
def _took(self, start, message):
Print a message with the time taken since the start time.
start (float): The start time of the process.
message (str): The message to print.
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start
# Report in sensible units
if elapsed < 1:
elapsed *= 1000
units = "ms"
elif elapsed < 60:
units = "s"
elapsed /= 60
units = "mins"
# Report how blazingly fast we are
self._print(f"{message} took {elapsed:.3f} {units}.")
def write_dataset(self, data, key):
Write a dataset to an HDF5 file.
We handle various different cases here:
- If the data is a unyt object, we write the value and units.
- If the data is a string we'll convert it to a h5py compatible string
and write it with dimensionless units.
- If the data is a numpy array, we write the data and set the units to
data (any): The data to write.
key (str): The key to write the data to.
# Ensure we are working with a unyt_array
data = unyt_array(data)
# Strip the units off the data and convert to a numpy array
if hasattr(data, "units"):
units = str(data.units)
data = data.value
units = "dimensionless"
# If we have an array of strings, convert to a h5py compatible string
if data.dtype.kind == "U":
data = np.array([d.encode("utf-8") for d in data])
# Write the dataset with the appropriate units
with h5py.File(self.filepath, "a") as hdf:
dset = hdf.create_dataset(key, data=data)
dset.attrs["Units"] = units
def write_dataset_parallel(self, data, key):
Write a dataset to an HDF5 file in parallel.
This function requires that h5py has been built with parallel support.
data (any): The data to write.
key (str): The key to write the data to.
# If we have an array of strings, convert to a h5py compatible string
if data.dtype.kind == "U":
data = np.array([d.encode("utf-8") for d in data])
# Write the data for our slice
with h5py.File(
) as hdf:
dset = hdf[key]
dset[self.start : self.end, ...] = data
self._print(f"Wrote dataset {key} with shape {data.shape}")
def write_datasets_recursive(self, data, key):
Write a dictionary to an HDF5 file recursively.
data (dict): The data to write.
key (str): The key to write the data to.
# Early exit if data is None
if data is None:
# If the data isn't a dictionary just write the dataset
if not isinstance(data, dict):
self.write_dataset(data, key)
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(
f"Failed to write dataset {key} (type={type(data)}) - {e}"
# Loop over the data
for k, v in data.items():
self.write_datasets_recursive(v, f"{key}/{k}")
def write_datasets_parallel(self, data, key, paths):
Write a dictionary to an HDF5 file recursively in parallel.
This function requires that h5py has been built with parallel support.
data (dict): The data to write.
key (str): The key to write the data to.
# Loop over each path and write the data
for path in paths:
d = data
for k in path.split("/"):
d = d[k]
self.write_dataset_parallel(d, f"{key}/{path}")
def create_datasets_parallel(self, data, key):
Create datasets ready to be populated in parallel.
This is only needed for collective I/O operations. We will first make
the datasets here in serial so they can be written to in any order on
any rank.
shapes (dict): The shapes of the datasets to create.
dtypes (dict): The data types of the datasets to create.
start = time.perf_counter()
# Get the shapes and dtypes of the data
shapes, dtypes, units, paths = get_dataset_properties(data, self.comm)
# Create the datasets
if self.is_root:
with h5py.File(self.filepath, "a") as hdf:
for k, shape in shapes.items():
dset = hdf.create_dataset(
dset.attrs["Units"] = units[k]
self._took(start, f"Creating datasets for {key}")
return paths
def write_data(self, data, key, indexes=None, root=0):
Write data using the appropriate method based on the environment.
data (any): The data to write.
key (str): The key to write the data to.
root (int, optional): The root rank for gathering and writing.
start = time.perf_counter()
# In parallel land we need to make sure we're on the same page with
# the structure we are writing
if self.is_parallel:
data = unify_dict_structure_across_ranks(data, self.comm)
# Early exit if data is empty
if data is None or len(data) == 0:
# Use the appropriate write method
if self.is_collective:
# For collective I/O we need to create the datasets first, then
# write the data to them in parallel.
paths = self.create_datasets_parallel(data, key)
self.write_datasets_parallel(data, key, paths)
# Otherwise, we can just write everything recursively. Bear in mind
# that when using MPI this will write a file per rank ready for
# later combination into a virtual file.
self.write_datasets_recursive(data, key)
self._took(start, f"Writing {key} (and subgroups)")
def combine_rank_files(self):
Combine the rank files into a single file.
output_file (str): The name of the output file.
start = time.perf_counter()
def _recursive_copy(src, dest, slice):
Recursively copy the contents of an HDF5 group.
src (h5py.Group): The source group.
dest (h5py.Group): The destination group.
slice: The slice (along the first axis) the data belongs to.
# Copy over the attributes
for attr in src.attrs:
dest.attrs[attr] = src.attrs[attr]
# Loop over the items in the source group
for k, v in src.items():
if k in ["Instruments", "EmissionModel"]:
# If we found a group we need to recurse and create the group
# in the destination file if it doesn't exist. We also need to
# copy the attributes.
if isinstance(v, h5py.Group):
# Create the group if it doesn't exist
if k not in dest:
# Recurse
_recursive_copy(v, dest[k], slice)
elif slice is None:
# Just copy the dataset directly
dset = dest.create_dataset(
# Copy the attributes
for attr in v.attrs:
dset.attrs[attr] = v.attrs[attr]
# If the dataset doesn't exist we need to create it
if k not in dest:
dset = dest.create_dataset(
shape=(self.num_galaxies, *v.shape[1:]),
dset = dest[k]
# Copy the data into the slice
dset[slice, ...] = v[...]
# Copy the attributes
for attr in v.attrs:
dset.attrs[attr] = v.attrs[attr]
# Get the number of galaxies on each rank
starts = self.comm.gather(self.start, root=0)
ends = self.comm.gather(self.end, root=0)
# Only the root rank needs to do this work
if not self.is_root:
# Define the new file path
ext = self.filepath.split(".")[-1]
path_no_ext = ".".join(self.filepath.split(".")[:-1])
new_path = "_".join(path_no_ext.split("_")[:-1]) + f".{ext}"
temp_path = "_".join(path_no_ext.split("_")[:-1]) + "_<rank>.hdf5"
# Open the output file
with h5py.File(new_path, "w") as hdf:
# Loop over each rank file
for rank in range(self.size):
# Open the rank file
with h5py.File(
temp_path.replace("<rank>", str(rank)),
) as rank_hdf:
# We only the metadata groups once
if rank == 0:
# Copy the instruments over (no slice needed)
# Copy the emission model over (no slice needed)
# Copy the contents of the rank file to the output file
slice=slice(starts[rank], ends[rank]),
# Delete the rank file
os.remove(temp_path.replace("<rank>", str(rank)))
self._took(start, "Combining files")
def combine_rank_files_virtual(self):
Combine the rank files into a single virtual file.
Note that the virtual file this produces requires the rank files to
remain in the same location as when they were created.
start = time.perf_counter()
# Gather start/end indices from all ranks
starts = self.comm.gather(self.start, root=0)
ends = self.comm.gather(self.end, root=0)
# Only the root rank (rank == 0) needs to create the virtual file
if not self.is_root:
# Define file paths
ext = self.filepath.split(".")[-1]
path_no_ext = ".".join(self.filepath.split(".")[:-1])
temp_path = "_".join(path_no_ext.split("_")[:-1]) + "_<rank>.hdf5"
new_path = "_".join(path_no_ext.split("_")[:-1]) + f".{ext}"
# Remove the old combined file if it exists
if os.path.exists(new_path):
# Open the first rank file (rank 0 file) to discover the structure
first_file_path = temp_path.replace("<rank>", "0")
with h5py.File(first_file_path, "r") as f0:
# Gather dataset information (for virtual datasets)
datasets_info = []
def gather_datasets(group, group_path="/"):
for k, v in group.items():
if k in ["Instruments", "EmissionModel"]:
current_path = f"{group_path}{k}"
if isinstance(v, h5py.Group):
gather_datasets(v, current_path + "/")
# Record dataset path, shape, dtype, and attributes
(current_path, v.shape, v.dtype, dict(v.attrs))
# Gather group structure (to replicate in the virtual file)
groups_info = []
def gather_groups(group, group_path="/"):
for k, v in group.items():
if k in ["Instruments", "EmissionModel"]:
current_path = f"{group_path}{k}"
if isinstance(v, h5py.Group):
groups_info.append((current_path, dict(v.attrs)))
gather_groups(v, current_path + "/")
# Create the virtual file
with h5py.File(new_path, "w") as hdf:
for meta_group in ["Instruments", "EmissionModel"]:
if meta_group in f0:
hdf.copy(f0[meta_group], meta_group)
# Create empty group structure
for gpath, gattrs in groups_info:
grp = hdf.create_group(gpath)
for attr_name, attr_val in gattrs.items():
grp.attrs[attr_name] = attr_val
# Construct the virtual datasets for each dataset
for dpath, shape, dtype, dattrs in datasets_info:
final_shape = (self.num_galaxies,) + shape[1:]
layout = h5py.VirtualLayout(shape=final_shape, dtype=dtype)
# Loop over each rank and map the data to the layout
for rank, (start_i, end_i) in enumerate(zip(starts, ends)):
src_file = temp_path.replace("<rank>", str(rank))
with h5py.File(src_file, "r") as rank_f:
src_dset = rank_f[dpath]
local_size = src_dset.shape[0]
# Ensure the local size is as expected
expected_size = end_i - start_i
if local_size != expected_size:
end_i = start_i + local_size
# Create a virtual source for this rank
vsource = h5py.VirtualSource(
src_file, dpath, shape=(local_size,) + shape[1:]
# Map the portion of the layout to this source slice
layout[start_i:end_i, ...] = vsource[...]
# Create the virtual dataset in the final file
vds = hdf.create_virtual_dataset(dpath, layout)
# Copy dataset attributes
for attr_name, attr_val in dattrs.items():
vds.attrs[attr_name] = attr_val
self._took(start, "Creating virtual file")