
Survey functionality


class synthesizer.survey.Instrument(resolution, filters, psfs=None, depths=None, aperture=None, snrs=None, noises=None, resolving_power=None, lam=None)[source]

This class describes an instrument used to make a set of observations.


Calculates the wavelengths of a spectrum based on this observations resolving power.

class synthesizer.survey.Survey(galaxies=(), fov=None, super_resolution_factor=None, cosmo=FlatLambdaCDM(name='Planck18', H0=<Quantity 67.66 km / (Mpc s)>, Om0=0.30966, Tcmb0=<Quantity 2.7255 K>, Neff=3.046, m_nu=<Quantity [0., 0., 0.06] eV>, Ob0=0.04897))[source]

A Survey helper object which defines all the properties of a survey. This enables the defintion of a survey approach and then the production of photometry and/or images based on that instruments/filters making up the survey. This can handle PSFs and depths which vary across bands and instruments.


Adds galaxies to this survey :type galaxies: :param galaxies: The galaxies to include in this Survey. :type galaxies: list

add_photometric_instrument(filters, label, resolution=None, psfs=None, depths=None, apertures=None, snrs=None, noises=None)[source]

Adds an instrument and all it’s filters to the Survey.


InconsistentArguments – If the arguments do not constitute a valid combination for an instrument an error is thrown.


Converts depths defined in apparent magnitude to the units of flux (nJy).


Converts depths defined in absolute magnitude to the units of luminosity (erg / s /Hz). This is a helpful wrapper to handle the use of different terminology in the SED object. :type redshift: :param redshift: The redshift of the observation. :type redshift: float


Converts depths defined in apparent magnitude to the units of luminosity (erg / s /Hz). :type redshift: :param redshift: The redshift of the observation. :type redshift: float

get_particle_spectra(grid, spectra_type, redshift=None, igm=None, rest_frame=True)[source]

Compute the integrated stellar spectra of each galaxy.

get_photometry(spectra_type, redshift=None, igm=None)[source]
get_spectra(grid, spectra_type, redshift=None, igm=None, rest_frame=True)[source]

Compute the integrated stellar spectra of each galaxy.


  • grid (obj): synthesizer grid object

  • redshift (float): array of galaxy redshifts. If None (default),

    all galaxies assumed to be in the rest frame

  • igm (obj): synthesizer IGM object, defaults to Inoue+14


: None

make_images(img_type, spectra_type, kernel_func=None, rest_frame=False, cosmo=None)[source]