

synthesizer.load_data.load_illustris.load_IllustrisTNG(directory='.', snap_number=99, stellar_mass_limit=8500000.0, verbose=True, dtm=0.3, physical=True, metals=True)[source]

Load IllustrisTNG particle data into galaxy objects

Uses the illustris_python module, which must be installed manually. Loads the particles associated with each subhalo individually, rather than the whole simulation volume particle arrays; this can be slower for certain volumes, but avoids memory issues for higher resolution boxes.

  • directory (string) – Data location of group and particle files.

  • snap_number (int) – Snapshot number.

  • stellar_mass_limit (float) – Stellar mass limit above which to load galaxies. In units of solar mass.

  • verbose (bool) – Verbosity flag

  • dtm (float) – Dust-to-metals ratio to apply to all gas particles

  • physical (bool) – Should the coordinates be converted to physical? Default: True

  • metals (bool) – Should we load individual stellar element abundances? Default: True. This property may not be available for all snapshots ( see ).


List of ParticleGalaxy objects, each containing star and

gas particles

subhalo_mask (array, bool):

Boolean array of selected galaxies from the subhalo catalogue.

Return type:

galaxies (list)